Truly effective methods to improve the performance and make quick and efficient operating system. Factors that have been shown in practice that are crucial to optimize Windows system and make 50% lighter. Other measures that may be employed. Other frequently used but does not bring any improvement.
All Windows operating systems use a standard configuration, so as to be functional on any computer, regardless of which some have more hardware resources than others.
course each version has been raising the technical requirements, but in each case it is possible with simple tips or adjustments significantly increase system performance.
Below are 10 steps that anyone without computer knowledge can apply in your PC without the need to install any external programs relate.
Windows has all the resources and tools to optimize and accelerate . the system The following measures can be applied to Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7, which is specific to a system are so noted:
Measures to optimize the performance of Windows:
1 - Disable unnecessary programs at start-up
As we install third-party programs, we see that each time you start Windows greater the delay and go on accumulating applications in the left corner in the call notification area, this is due to the fact that some programmers believe in the right you to install their software on Windows, this then changes in our system that allows the program is loaded into memory each time the system boots, the purpose of such application start faster when we go to use it.
Solving this problem is easy, for that do the following:
• Access the Configuration utility system, that's written to the Start-up or Run: MSCONFIG and press Enter.
• In the tab Windows Start you will see all the programs listed with information including, manufacturer and the path to the executable.
• You can disable them all if you want, by UN-checking the box in the application, none of these programs has nothing to do with Windows and do not affect anything if you remove only advise you on your specific case analysis which need to be started with the system.
• In the tab Windows Start you will see all the programs listed with information including, manufacturer and the path to the executable.
• You can disable them all if you want, by UN-checking the box in the application, none of these programs has nothing to do with Windows and do not affect anything if you remove only advise you on your specific case analysis which need to be started with the system.
From now on all applications disable, are loaded into memory only when you run the program and Windows will start much faster.
2 - Maintain a clean and orderly operating system
You must give the necessary maintenance to computer hard drive regularly, this requires Disk Cleanup and defragment, mainly the disk or system unit.
Operating system even if you are not performing any task on your computer is constantly reading and writing information on disks, this brings the data fragmentation, which is nothing but the division into multiple fragments when writing files
3 - Optimize the use of the paging file (Virtual Memory)
The paging file is space on the hard disk on which Windows is writing data to the system memory, thus leaving room in physical memory (RAM) for other uses.
Any disc is ten times slower than a RAM, but if the disk is full, fragmented and it's system drive, this will bring more slowly in any transaction.
In such cases the paging files is detrimental to performance.
default Windows creates a page file on each drive available.
One option is to use a single paging file on another drive than the system (drive C), if another physical disk would be ideal, but always gain in performance . whether we use a different drive
changes the location of the paging file as follows:
• In My Computer opens:> System Properties> Advanced Settings
tab • In the Advanced Options choose Performance> Settings> Advanced
• Select "Change Virtual Memory"
• Uncheck Automatically manage paging file size
• Select the unit to which you are going to move it and make sure to click on the "Set" button.
• "OK" on all the windows and restart the PC.
tab • In the Advanced Options choose Performance> Settings> Advanced
• Select "Change Virtual Memory"
• Uncheck Automatically manage paging file size
• Select the unit to which you are going to move it and make sure to click on the "Set" button.
• "OK" on all the windows and restart the PC.
4 - Disable kernel paging OS
This measure makes no paging Windows hard disk data from the operating system kernel, the operating system of the resource load on the high-speed RAM what page, what is saved to a hard disk space that is much more slow, this measure is achieved through the processes of the core operating system of your stay in RAM, which logically increase the speed of the applications running.
For that accesses the Windows registry editor by typing in Run: REGEDIT
Locate the following key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory Management] Change the default value is 0 for 1, would thus be"DisablePagingExecutive "= dword: 00000001
Locate the following key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory Management] Change the default value is 0 for 1, would thus be"DisablePagingExecutive "= dword: 00000001
Also have the option to disable sharing of the core, for that do the same with the keyLargeSystemCache , set its value to 1, would be this:
"LargeSystemCache" = dword: 00000001
5 - Working without pagefile
If you have 1GB or more of RAM can work perfectly with no paging file, for that do the same steps as in the previous measure but to get to the window of Virtual Memory check the box No paging file , Windows will now not paginated no data on hard disk, which will elevate your performance and lets you considerably speed up your system.
6 - Speed up NTFS volumes in Windows XP
In hard drives that use the NTFS file system, in which large numbers of files and have frequent access to them, you can increase performance by modifying the following registry entries and changing its default value is 0 for 1 entries are.
7 - Disable file indexing
Through the process of indexing, Windows is constantly reviewing the content of hard disks and then creating indexes for faster access to, for equipment with limited hardware resources can be somewhat slow system performance.
You can disable this feature completely or limit it to a specific folder. Sign in Control Panel to Indexing Options and set your preferences.
8 - Disable unnecessary services
Windows automatically starts the system a multitude of services, many of them useful, but many totally unnecessary Each user according to the work you do on your PC, you can choose which services start with the system, either manual or automatic, which disable safely, which saves system resources. For that you might find it useful to read the following articles which explains concisely, whether you are using Windows XP or Windows Vista or 7.
• Access Tool System Configuration , for that type Start or Run: MSCONFIG ., and press the Enter key
• In the tab Services check the box Hide all Microsoft services and see the list of all services non-Windows that you are running right now, with the option to stop or disable the one you want.
• In the tab Services check the box Hide all Microsoft services and see the list of all services non-Windows that you are running right now, with the option to stop or disable the one you want.
9 - Turn off unnecessary visual effects.
Definitive if you do not have a video card and use the integrated video on my motherboard.
That in System Properties> Advanced Settings in the tab Advanced, choose Performance> Settings> Visual Effects , check the box Customize and sees choosing options and testing them on to achieve a balance between appearance and performance.
10 - Optimizing transfer system hard drives
For any slowness in reading or copying files you need to make sure you have enabled the DMA (Direct Memory Access) mode on hard disks, for that accesses the Device Manager and check it.
Gives Right-click My Computer and select Properties System> Device Manager , it opens the entrance IDE ATA / ATAPI transfer mode and see if the disks work in DMA mode. If not and is not available to enable the option you need to install or update the motherboard chipset driver team.
This is accomplished by simply installing the disk that came with your PC or motherboard, if you have not then you need to lower them Internet is a must for best performance have available DMA measurement.
Enable advanced performance mode
It is possible to achieve better performance in the operation of SATA hard drives and make writing data faster. This is achieved by activating advanced performance mode, thus the cache data RAM before writing to the hard drive passed.
To activate the Device Manager select the hard disk you wish to activate the option, click on Properties and go to the tab Directives . It activate the "Enable advanced performance."
It should be remembered that in doing so the risk of losing information from a power increases, so if you do not have a system of stable, potent energy and is safe convenient leave off.
Other measures to optimize the performance of Windows
Use a memory unit with ReadyBoost
ReadyBoost is a feature of Windows Vista and 7, which allows the insert into a computer's USB port to a USB flash memory that is quick, use it as an auxiliary unit of the system.
If the inserted memory meets the necessary features in the Device Properties will be ReadyBoost option available.
With ReadyBoost is proven that you can increase the performance of the system over 10%, also its use for this purpose can SD memory, USB flash drive and other USB devices that meet the required properties.
- Disable the Sidebar or Sidebar - The side bar or Sidebar can disable Gadgets and still use directly on the desktop, this measure reduces memory consumption and other resources.
- Measures should not be taken to optimize Windows - Measures not determine or influence the performance of Windows, unlike disable affect us more than the benefit it could bring.
- Disable Hibernation - It has nothing to do with system performance, deactivate only saves disk space.
- Disable UAC - UAC or User Account Control is an annoying feature in Windows, but does not influence my determines system performance.
- Disable System Restore - One of the most useful features of Windows and it will bring more security to the user. Restore points are created when the system is idle or the user is not using.
- Disable automatic updates in Windows Update - Windows Update finds and downloads updates when the computer is idle and only when we shut the facilities also updates most of the time are to improve performance.
- Disable Disk Derangement - Disk Defragmente runs without the user having to intervene, it runs in the background and the process only takes precedence when the computer is idle, so that the negative impact on Windows performance is minimal, also helps to improve performance system.
- Disable Superfetch - The Superfetch makes most used programs in RAM to load, for that reason may be that sometimes the system is using 900 MB of RAM without it no applications, this entails that some think that disable Superfetch bring more team performance, which is a mistake. Applications Then take longer to start, plus the system is releasing the memory occupied by this feature as will be required for other uses, so the cause Superfetch never run out RAM in the computer.
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