I think you all are familiar with Look of Leaked iPhone Six New Look of The Front Panel. Apple has big plans in hand, and the future launch of iWatch will be a critical part of them. The company is planning to develop a platform of fitness and health services will be available through the App Store, which was revealed to the agency Reuters by a major source that has chosen to remain anonymous. While the details of such services are not yet known, it is believed that third parties can develop medical applications (certified course) for iOS iWatch and 8.
One of the main new features of iOS 8 will Healthbook an application that will store data of our health and our performance to do, which would be recorded by the iWatch, which sounds pretty logical exercise.
The Reuters report also indicates that Apple has been hiring professionals infrequent areas during the past year, such as experts in biomedicine and sensors. Contracts for the project were many, which suggests that the iWatch will be more advanced than any smartwatch and bracelet current fitness , and is said to even be able to get data on levels of blood sugar, though nothing was officially confirmed yet.
In any case, it seems that the iWatch will be a really great device. Are we facing another revolutionary product? That remains to be seen. Did you check iPad Apple ranks first in customer satisfaction for tablets?
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